VP Sara retains position as most trusted gov’t official for April 2024 — survey

Despite a slight decline in the April 2024 Satisfaction and Trust Ratings, Vice President Sara Duterte remained the top government official, attaining the highest percentage in two surveys, according to the Tangere Survey Application.

Based on the study, Duterte’s satisfaction ratings dropped from 54 percent in March to 53 percent in April.

Twenty-three percent of the respondents were “undecided,” while 24 percent were “dissatisfied.”

The decrease is also evident in Trust Ratings, with the Vice President, who is also the Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary, receiving 62 percent for April, down from 64 percent in March.

It also revealed that 20 percent of respondents are “undecided”, and 18 percent are “distrustful” on average.

The survey observed a decrease in Duterte’s satisfaction ratings across nearly all geographic regions, particularly notable in North Luzon, Visayas, and even Mindanao.

Trust ratings for the Vice President have also seen a decline across various demographic segments, except for South Luzon.

Specifically, it is in the Visayas and Mindanao (VisMin) regions, as well as among lower-income segments, where the trust rating of Duterte has dropped.

The survey was conducted through a mobile-based respondent application, with a sample size of 2,400, utilizing a Stratified Random Sampling method (quota-based sampling) from April 24 to 27.

The survey results carry a margin of error of ± 2.20 percent at a 95 percent Confidence Level.

“The proportion was spread throughout the Philippines with 12 percent from NCR, 23 percent from Northern Luzon, 22 percent from Southern Luzon, 20 percent from the Visayas, and 23 percent from Mindanao,” Tangere said.


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